Dr. King’s birthday is Friday January 15. We are putting out a call. Let’s honor his memory and use his day to heal this nation. Let’s fast and fall silent, listening for the still small voice of that which remains great within us. Let’s gather and walk, in every city and town, silently. Let’s reflect on our own transgressions before our passions push this nation, and our democracy, over the edge.

Jim Ludes and G. Wayne Miller interview Dr. Fine on the PBS program Story in the Public Square.
Will the Real Democratic Party Please Stand Up?
by Michael Fine
In the past week, it has become abundantly clear that the Democratic Party does not have a viable candidate for president, and equally clear that the Democratic Party can’t tell itself the truth and move on for the good of the country. Joe Biden has been a good president. But he’s not re-electable, something everyone else besides Democratic insiders know. Allowing President Biden’s candidacy to get this far may cost the Party the election, and it will do further damage to American democracy if the party doesn’t reverse itself very soon indeed.
But the problem is much deeper than just Joe Biden. The problem is that the Democratic Party stopped working to make life better for poor, working, and middle-class families in any coherent way.

Local Return director (and community organizer) Raul Figueroa sat down with family physician, author, and long-time organizer Dr. Michael Fine. “Our job,” Dr. Fine said, “is to keep bringing people together in a new way so they experience their own agency and they experience their own power.”

The coronavirus pandemic has disproportionately affected Latinos across Rhode Island, particularly in Central Falls where two thirds of the city’s 19,000 residents are Latinos. Rhode Island PBS Weekly explores how economic and health disparities are making COVID-19 difficult to control in these communities.

Publisher's Weekly reviews Health Care Revolt: "Fine persuasively demonstrates that the profit motive built into the patchwork of federal, state, and local programs that pass for healthcare in the U.S. leads to ballooning costs, gross inefficiency, and treatment for the privileged few instead of cost-effective prevention for the many...This book is an informative, insightful introduction to a complex topic." Read here.
Why We Can't Vote for Dan McKee
by Michael Fine and Nick Landekic
There are many claims and counterclaims being made in the race for the Governor of Rhode Island. Politics makes for strange bedfellows, and strange twists on the truth. Pundits maneuver and manipulate for advantage, inventing some facts and distorting others, as they prey on the fears and biases of the voters to create advantage for themselves and to portray themselves in a good light.
Michael Fine MD, author, family physician, Director of the Rhode Island Department of Health 2011-2015 lives in Scituate Rhode Island. Nick Landekic MA MBA is a biotech CEO and entrepreneur, lives in Bristol Rhode Island.

T. P. Gariepy of Stonehill College, writes of Health Care Revolt, "This is a revolutionary book. The author incites readers to embark on an audacious revolution to convert the American medical market into the American health care system... Dr. Fine is realistic; he acknowledges that it will be decades before this goal is attained, but emphasizes that it is time to begin."